Music Camp 2024 was held at Portland Bay View Lodge. Music Students ranging from Years 7 to 12 enjoyed a collaborative 3-day camp which brought us together as a music group. The theme for this year's camp was Pitch Perfect. Everyone was placed in a group of 6 which was based around the theme Pitch Perfect with teams like the ‘Barden Bellas’ and best of all the ‘Treble Makers’.
During the day, time was spent rehearsing our music, collaborating, and engaging in teamwork activities and games. We enjoyed the delightful weather and overall having fun being in each other's company. A real highlight of the camp was the team theme songs where each group was given half an hour to produce their best team chant.
Wednesday night also saw a team activity that involved decorating a plain white T-Shirt to match each group's theme. The winner of this challenge was none other than the High Notes. Thanks to Lachlan Moss who took out the win for the best T-shirt walk.
To showcase our talents and hard work over the three days, we firstly had an in-house concert on Thursday night performing for the staff and students who attended the camp. This was a fun way for all students to show each other what they had been working on during the camp. Thursday night also saw a camp talent show where students could highlight their instrumental and vocal prowess with great performances from all participants. Secondly, we were grateful to be able to perform in the Anglican Church in Portland on the Friday morning with church parishioners and Bayview College Students watching our performances.
By the end, all ensembles were able to perform their pieces to a remarkably high standard meaning the camp was successful. It is important to note that the Senior Vocal Ensemble and Showband are going to be representing Tenison Woods College at Generations in Jazz in May.
This year we decided to have a camper of the year. This student showed great leadership and stepped up in his ensemble, a standout from this student was the Thursday concert where he stepped up and led the Thunder drum corps. The camper of the year was Bryan Van Zyl - a well-deserved title.
This was a great music camp, and everyone had an enjoyable time. We truly bonded and worked as a team throughout the three days on camp.
Erykah and Will | Music Leaders 2024
Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.