
David on template at Charity Day.jpg

From the Principal


Celebrating our Founders

What a wonderful week to reflect on our founders and the contribution of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Venerable Catherine McAuley, Fr Julian Tenison Woods and St Marcellin Champagnat to our community. I thank students, staff and parents, with special mention of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members, for their support of the week. PTA Director, Aleathia Holland and her team of committed parents were of great assistance in preparing the shared lunches, with careful consideration of students with special dietary requirements.  

The whole school mass was an opportunity for students to reflect, as Father Dean indicated, on our Catholic heroes; our founders. We were also pleased to acknowledge Father Dean’s birthday (Friday 15 June) with a hearty birthday song at the conclusion of the mass.

Also, a special thank you to Ms Marie Holmes, the Music Faculty, student musicians and choir members. There were some brand new student musicians and singers amongst the group, with very little experience. It was wonderful that they, as per our theme this year, put their “hand up to help out.” I also appreciate that Marie Holmes and Beth Creedy had worked with these students in a way that they have felt comfortable to offer their talents to us on Thursday in the Mass; a celebration which is core to our faith.


Cans, Coins and Casuals for a Cause -  Hands Up, Help Out

Thank you to students and parents for their support and participation in the Charity Day on Thursday 14 June. Thank you also to the staff who organised food stalls, escorted classes to the Barrie Holmes Stadium and volunteered to be pelted with a wet sponge! As always, such days occur with the wonderful support of the Grounds Team and IT Team, who assisted behind the scenes. Thank you to the finance team for their efforts in reconciling the financial successes of the day, coin by sticky coin. 

The Charity Day was a big, ambitious day organised by our College Captains, Evangelia Wichmann and Daniel Ker, with the support of the Year 12 students. I thank them for their wonderful leadership and commitment in amongst their busy Year 12 studies. 


World Refugee Week – With courage let us all combine  

This week, from 17 - 23 June, Refugee Week is being held, raising awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrating the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. #WithRefugees is the theme for Refugee Week 2018 in Australia. 

I’d like to share the below prayer for Refugee Week: 


A Place to Call Home

Compassionate God,

No one is a stranger to you
and no one is ever far from your loving care.
Watch over those who are separated
from their loved ones and homeland;
those who fear persecution
and hope for a better life in our community.
May we reach out in welcome
to all those who arrive as refugees,
embracing one another so that
together your hope O God
will be our future.
We make this prayer
through Christ our Lord.



Student Exemption Form required for absences over 5 days

If your child will be absent from school for more than 5 days, please ensure that you contact the Administration Office to obtain a Student Exemption Form. All absenteeism for more than 5 days is approved by the College Principal and entered into our attendance system to ensure accurate records are maintained and family government benefits and allowances are protected.


Wet weather and carpark safety

It is certainly proving to be very wet at the moment! As such, I remind families during these days of challenging weather conditions to drive at no more than 15km while on the College grounds. I ask this in an attempt to prevent any potential accidents which could occur to inexperienced and enthusiastic children.


Homily given by Bishop Greg O’Kelly, Administrator Apostolic

In this difficult time for victims and survivors of abuse within our Church, for Archbishop Philip Wilson and all in the Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide, father Dean Marin shared with the parish in the parish bulletin part of the homily by Bishop Gregory O’Kelly, SJ, Administrator Apostolic, given the previous weekend in the Cathedral. He begins with the question that God put to Adam and Eve in the garden in the first reading, “Where are you?”  I invite you to consider the homily.


Timor-Leste Immersion Program

Thank you to all the parishioners and school community members who contributed to the success of the Timor-Leste Soup Sale, Raffle and Potato Sale last Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 June, supporting our sisters and brothers in Timor-Leste. The delegation was presented at our Whole School Mass and also at the 11:00am Parish Mass, receiving a blessing by Father Dean to support them in their significant efforts as they “put their hand up to help out.”


Tenison Woods College Shining Light Awards – A great deal to celebrate!

Friends of Tenison Woods College; past scholars since the inception of Marist Agricultural College or the Convent of Mercy, parents of former scholars, past staff members, past volunteers, in fact anyone who is proud to be or have been associated with Catholic education in Mount Gambier; are invited to the 2018 Shining Light Awards on Saturday 27 October. Tickets are now on sale online here.

The event will be held at the Commodore on the Park, where the following 2018 Shining Light Recipients will be celebrated:

  • Alan Balshaw
  • Anthony Casadio (dec)
  • Sally Duigan
  • Jeanette Elliott
  • Jenna McCormick


We will also be holding a BBQ lunch and tour of the College on Sunday 28 October.


God Bless,


David Mezinec | Principal



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.