
Regional Youth Mass Flyer Updated 2018.jpg

Power Play - Year 12 Play


Only one week to go! On Wednesday 6 June (Week 6), the Stage 2 Drama class will present Power Play by Lindsay Price. Students have been working hard on the production, with the onstage talents of Casey Rout, Charlotte Smith, Raven Seniw, Isidora Pandilovski and Ryan Thompson supported by the offstage design talents of Teagan Irving and Jacob Ross.

The performance will be held at Wehl Street Theatre, commencing at 7.00pm and entry is by gold coin donation at the door. This is a play that tackles difficult subject matter in a stylised way, punctuated with humour throughout. Please note that audiences under the age of 15 are not recommended. We cannot wait to show the results of all our hard work - please come along and show your support!

A gunshot is heard…which of the five characters did it, and why? Was it the Goth girl? The football star? The super-intelligent geek? Violence is about power… so is high school…


Eliza Suggate | Stage 2 Drama Teacher



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.