

From the Principal Week 3, Term 1


This week’s Shrove Tuesday pancake fundraising day and Ash Wednesday liturgies mark the start of Lent; the season in which we prepare for Easter.

Lent is known as a time for ‘Spring cleaning’ in our souls. We look at ourselves differently and make more room for God; we open our hearts and minds to a fresh, deeper, fuller awareness of God within us and God’s will for us. The ashes we wear on Wednesday remind us of our own mortality and how God is with us at death, through death and takes us to the other side to share in a transformed life beyond death; a life that God has prepared for us.     

 Students are being encouraged in class to develop a communal action during the Lenten season to bring about change in our world. Fundraising throughout the six weeks of Lent will contribute to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion Campaign “For a Just Future.”  It throws a spotlight on our global challenge and how our aspiration for true justice can transform lives.  As Pope Francis indicates: “Cultivate with love the seeds of goodness, beauty and truth that God sows in every new generation.”

 Caritas Australia continues its long-term development of people in need, a model of development that acknowledges human dignity, works towards sustainability and self-reliance, and brings about social change. I urge parents to discuss this issue with their students and reiterate the point that individuals can create a better world through their daily decisions and the commitment they display to improving the plight of others.

 Parent Information and Welcome Evening – It’s About Building Relationships

Thank you to the families who supported the learning of their children and adolescents by attending the R-12 Parent Information and Welcome Evening on Monday 12 February.  Parents had a chance to meet our teachers, learn about the teachers’ hopes for the year, and hear about the classroom processes that will ensure learning is achieved in the best possible way. Parents also had an opportunity to meet informally the Leadership Team of the school and ensure that we commenced the journey of serving your child’s individual needs in a deliberate manner.

 Hands Up.  Help Out!

On Monday evening I reiterated to parents, as I have indicated on many occasions, that a school community will only be as good as the parents in the community genuinely want it to be. I therefore asked that parents commit themselves to the variety of support required to ensure we offer the best possible Catholic school family environment to our young. I encouraged parents to think about:

  • Joining the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
  • Helping the teacher in the classroom;
  • Becoming a Class Representative for a class to assist the teacher in coordinating the involvement of other parents at particular times;
  • Offering services to the School Board or its sub-committees;
  • Joining Friends of Music or Friends of Titans that meet to support our student activities;
  • Helping in the canteen;
  • Volunteering for working bees;
  • Actively participating in school events;
  • Contributing talents to the Friends of Tenison Woods (Old Scholars) Association;

I urge our parent community to consider how they can contribute to making Tenison Woods College the best possible, which ultimately means the experiences for your child.

Caring for One Another – Road Safety In and Around Our School

Following on from the theme of helping one another, I remind families of the importance to monitor their speed and adjust it accordingly as they approach the school on Shepherdson Road and White Avenue in the interest of safety for all, but particularly our young. I also remind students to utilise the various designated crossing areas which are monitored by our staff. Crossing the roadways at other areas adds to the danger for our young but also increases the difficulty for drivers in the area.

I appreciate the time pressures which force a family’s hand in relation to drop off and pick up times and routines, but I would ask families to consider collecting students from the school’s side of White Avenue. I am aware that picking up students from the Malseed Park side of White Avenue has caused a very hazardous situation at the conclusion of the school day, with students crossing the road without the protection of cars travelling at reduced speeds.       

The School Board will continue to work with the authorities and City of Mount Gambier to consider any possible traffic measures, which could reduce the risk to young lives. However, attention to safety, due care by drivers and removing the risk of crossing White Avenue will have the most significant impact on safety for our young.

Need a tutor? Studiosity is our free online tutoring service

I remind families that students of Tenison Woods College in years 8-12 have access to a free online tutoring service. Students are able to connect to expert tutors for live, one-to-one conversations about homework, assignments and exam preparation from 3:00pm – 10:00pm Monday to Friday. There is also a 24/7 checking service available. Give it a try – I know you will appreciate the service offered by Studiosity!

To access this fantastic service, sign in via SIMON, under ‘Class Resources’. For information please contact Director of Learning, Scott Dickson on

God Bless,

David Mezinec | Principal



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.