
From the Principal


In particular Pope Francis reflects “on the missionary dimension of our Christian calling”. He says, “Those who are drawn by God’s voice and determined to follow Jesus soon discover within themselves an irrepressible desire to bring the Good News to their brothers and sisters through proclamation and the service of charity. All Christians are called to be missionaries of the Gospel!......We are simply men and women touched and transformed by the joy of God’s love, who cannot keep this experience to ourselves… Commitment to mission is not something added on to the Christian life as a decoration, but is an essential element of faith itself.”

So I thank our committed staff for preparing the Expo under the guidance of our Director of Learning, Scott Dickson, Head of Senior School, Sean Quirke, Deputy Principal, Liza Couzens, the Senior School Leadership Team, Learning Area Coordinators, Administration Team and our Public Relations and Events Team. Thanks also to the Sugar Loaf Café, which offered its characteristic hospitality and hearty cuisine to staff and families. In the broader context of vocations, this expo gives our young confidence to discover who they are and who God is inviting them to be with the support and focus that inspires confidence, commitment and hope.  

Staff Stepping up to the Potential of One
I have often indicated that school communities are all about relationships, and good learning is nurtured by intentional, life-giving relationships. So I am so delighted that all teaching staff are this year deliberately thinking the ways they can refine and improve the learning in their classrooms through reflecting on their craft. Each teaching staff member is implementing an action research project which is assisting them to reflect on the learning environment they are creating and how learning best unfolds in their care. 

This is a wonderful commitment to ‘stepping up to the potential of one’ because every staff member at Tenison Woods College is aspiring to be the best they can be:

for themselves as teachers; for students; and for their colleagues - other teachers and co-educators.

And in all this, I think they are also illustrating well the understanding that the two biggest determinants of success in life are: curiosity and grit. 

So in persisting with the action research project in the busyness of Term 3, I am hopeful of fostering a whole school discourse about the elements of excellent learning environments, in such a way that we celebrate ‘the potential of one.’ I also look forward to staff celebrating their actions and findings during our staff conference day on 20 October; our Mount Gambier Show school closure day.  

Rotary Careers Expo – Friday 11 August
During this period of reflection and discernment for our students about the next step in their learning pathway, I am very pleased that our Year 9 and 10 students will be attending the annual Rotary Careers Expo. The three Rotary Clubs of Mount Gambier together with the Mount Gambier community have a proud history of delivering an ever-evolving and expanding Careers Expo. The Careers Expo will be held on Friday 11 August from 9:00am to 2:30pm with a wide range of industry and businesses showcasing careers in their industry. The 2017 Rotary Careers Expo includes hands on workshops, interactive events, speaker sessions, performances and exhibitors. The expo also showcases the tertiary study opportunities available in our region and beyond. 
Carpark Care
I remind families during these days of challenging weather conditions to drive at no more than 15kmh while on the College grounds.  I also ask that parents accompany young students to and from the council property adjacent to the College’s Shepherdson Road, across the poplars lined driveway.  I ask this in an attempt to prevent any potential accidents which could occur to inexperienced and enthusiastic children, who make their own way from the school grounds to cars parked on the council property.
Reception enrolments 2018
I advise parents and caregivers that all interviews have now been completed for Reception Term 1 2018. If you have a Reception sibling that is due to start school in Term 1 2018, and have not yet submitted your application for an enrolment form, we ask this be done immediately. Offers of placement for 2018 will be issued by the end of week 3.


David Mezinec | Principal



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.