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From the Principal


Live, Learn Lead – Together in 2019

On Wednesday 23 January, approximately 5,500 staff in Catholic Schools in South Australia joined with parish priests, pastoral associates and diocesan leaders, together with Bishop Greg O’Kelly attended the Live, Learn Lead – Together gathering at the Entertainment Centre in Adelaide.

This gathering laid the foundation for our efforts together in Catholic Education South Australia this year, and how we at Tenison Woods College planned for 2019. 

I was then thrilled by the start that the Tenison Woods College Community made to the 2019 academic year on Wednesday 30 January. I was particularly pleased to see staff and students looking refreshed and relaxed after the holiday break, ready to greet the challenges of the school year. 

I offer a special welcome for all new students and new families to our larger school family.

I hope you make many good long-lasting friendships and enjoy your learning at Tenison Woods College.


Recognising SACE Board Achievement and Excellence in 2018

I was delighted to welcome to our Whole College Beginning Assembly graduates from last year who achieved outstanding SACE Board results. As a College community we are extremely proud of their results and wanted to acknowledge their success to the whole College community. Students were invited to receive a certificate of recognition from Mrs Liza Couzens, Deputy Principal. Following the assembly, which also recognised students who achieved academic excellence in the Middle and Senior School last year, these special guests with their families were invited to a morning tea in the Pam Ronan Centre Lecture Theatre.


SHINE in 2019

The Planning Days at the commencement of the year offered staff an opportunity to reflect on their work as individuals and as a staff team. During these planning days we focused on our College approach to wellbeing, our strategy in relation to Living, Learning and Leading at Tenison Woods College, the ingredients of a deliberate start to the year and how we could serve our students, parents and colleagues in the best possible way.

This year we will SHINE!

The link here offers a little more context.


In essence we will explicitly promote and foster a disposition for young people to develop their capabilities through enabling them to nurture their holistic wellbeing and resilience in the six pillars of PERMA+ or PERMAH. These six pillars; positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, achievement and health; develop robust levels of wellbeing.

Positive education involves applying these elements in an educational setting with a strength-based approach that offers individuals insights into themselves and others by exploring thoughts, feelings and values to unlock personal and academic potential.

So for our context at Tenison Woods College students who thrive or shine would be nurtured in the following way to ‘Shine brightly in 2019.’




  • Learn new things and be excellent
  • Be brave and push out of your comfort zone
  • Build a growth mindset and learn from mistakes



HELP others to be their best

  • Be prepared to offer your talents
  • Find your passion through service
  • Build community




  • Set your goals
  • Know your strengths
  • Get in the flow



Known by NAME

  • Show respect
  • Get to know others
  • Include everyone




  • Be present in the moment
  • Appreciate the good things
  • Be yourself




  • Get to know your God
  • Be active and exercise regularly
  • Eat well and drink plenty of water
  • Take time to recharge and get a good night’s sleep


At Tenison Woods College we say that every learner has a place, every learner has a pathway and every learner will shine. That is the challenge we start the year with, and I trust it won’t be long and we’ll celebrate some further achievements. And as the year unfolds we will gain a very strong sense of what it means to SHINE.

So let’s keep shining this year and start the year by thinking about what it means to really SHINE in 2019; sharing our time, gifts, talents and leadership for this awesome school family.


All the best for 2019!

With the understanding that at Tenison Woods College every learner has a place, every learner has a pathway and every learner will shine, we will continue our deliberate attention to the 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan, with the foundational areas of endeavour:

  • Catholic Identity and Mission
  • Excellent Learning Experiences – Rigorous, Challenging, Student Focused
  • Proactive Wellbeing Initiatives
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Community Development
  • Ecological Stewardship and Sustainability
  • School Renewal and Staff Development
  • Student Voice and Leadership


Parent Teacher Association

As mentioned in a letter that was emailed to families, I urge parents and carers to consider being part of the Tenison Woods College PTA, which will be will be led by Aleathia Holland, a parent within our College community who is passionate about involving new and existing families in College based events and fundraisers. Aleathia is eager to get the PTA up and running during term 1 and invites any parents, carers, grandparents and staff to contact her if they are interested in joining the group in any capacity.

For expressions of interest, please contact Aleathia via email.

A meet and greet will be occurring at the Tenison Woods College Reception – Year 12 Information Evening on Tuesday 12 February. Aleathia will be located in the PRC Common room from 5.30pm to meet with interested parents/carers.

A PTA Facebook page has been launched and will be the main source of communication, as well as a platform for ideas and sharing events occurring within the college.

The page is titled 'TWC PTA' and can be found here


Working Bee Saturday 16 February, 8.00am-12.00pm

Can you offer half an hour Saturday 16 February? During the Working Bee we are particularly looking to revitalise Junior School and Middle School play areas by barking, painting the play equipment and carrying out other forms of maintenance, we will also be barking and painting the outdoor garden section of the ELCC which will ensure the appeal and longevity of the equipment, as well as the appeal of the spaces. We’d love as much help as you can offer – any time you could spare would be appreciated.

Please bring any gardening equipment you think could be of use: gloves, shovel, rakes, wheelbarrow, even your ute. The working bee will commence at 8.00am. Morning tea and refreshments will be supplied with a BBQ available from 10.00am. Supervised activities for children will be available. For those able to assist on the day we ask that you please complete this online form.


Standing on the shoulders …

During our days of preparation we acknowledged the committed service of the following staff:

10 years of service

  • Rebecca Higgins                         Donna Johnson
  • Chloe Shanahan                         Penny Sharp
  • Kirby Turnbull                             Leanne Hunt
  • Kerry Dempsey                          Ally Tucker
  • Karina Jones                              Fiona Matheson
  • Jenny Vanikiotis                         Jen Gray
  • Sharon Adams


20 Years of Service

  • Yvette Sims

We greatly appreciate the impact that the above staff have had on the story and culture of the Tenison Woods College learning community and so we acknowledge their contribution with deep appreciation and admiration.  


Positions of Responsibility

I offer congratulations and thanks to staff who have taken on new challenges in positions of responsibility this year. I thank staff who offered their talents last year in relation to Positions of Responsibility and I trust the staff who are taking on roles this year for the next two years will build on their predecessor’s efforts in a way that offers our community significant security, creativity and opportunity.


Parent Welcome and Community Gathering Evening – It’s About Building Relationships

A significant way in which parents can support the learning of their children and adolescents is by attending the R-12 Welcome and Community Gathering Evening on Tuesday 12 February. Parents will have a chance to meet our teachers, learn about the teachers’ hopes for the year, and hear about the classroom processes that will ensure learning is achieved in the best possible way. Parents also have an opportunity to meet informally the Leadership Team of the school and ensure that we commence the journey of serving your child’s individual needs in a deliberate manner. Please see poster in this newsletter for times, as they differ for each Sub-School. 

All the best for 2019!


God Bless,

David Mezinec | Principal



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.